TSL Langues is an editing and translation company founded and managed by Bénédicte Dazy.
Bénédicte Dazy holds a master's degree in Linguistics, which attests to her strong knowledge of the rules of French grammar and usage, and finished her training at the École Supérieure des Interprètes et des Traducteurs (ESIT) in Paris. She has an extensive background in editing and interpretation and has worked in this role for more than ten years; she has begun to do translation work as well.
TSL Langues works primarily in the French language but at times collaborates with native Italian and English speakers who have been carefully selected. You will work directly with your editor or translator, as we take care to ensure that our team does not lose the human touch. In this way, we facilitate communication and any follow-up contact necessary for a high level of service.
TSL Langues can edit any kind of text written in french about any topic.
TSL Langues translates in fields such as Humanities and Social sciences, Linguistic, Literature, Literature for children, Gastronomy, Tourism.
We are also open to editing and translation work in other areas.
Many of you, our clients, have entrusted us with this important role in the publication process, and you have asked for our help with books, articles, dissertations and theses. The most loyal among you include researchers at Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Université Grenoble Alpes, Université de Lorraine and Oxford University.
Publishing houses like the Voltaire Foundation, Flatirons Jouve, Editions Jonglez and Classiques Garnier seek our services.
TSL Langues is also the special partner of the journal Historia et ius.
We're proud to be part of the adventure of the Children's book factory!
You are particularly satisfied with our skills, our experience, our availability, our attentiveness, our prices and our ability to adapt our work to your needs. Communication is our strength: before, during, and after the work, we are available to communicate with you, to familiarize ourselves with your field, and to discuss how we can best satisfy your expectations.
PhD students, students, researchers, publishers, authors of fictions and non-fictions for kids and grown-ups, TSL Langues can help you.
Services offered
TSL Langues specializes in translating from English and Italian into French. The professional who will be entrusted with translating your text will be a native speaker of the language into which the text will be translated. This guarantees that the result will be natural and will reflect a mastery of the nuances of the language. We also take care to adapt the text to the spelling, punctuation, and typographic norms of the country where the work will be published, a detail that is very much appreciated by our clients.
However competent a translator might be, it is always necessary that a second pair of eyes look over the result and verify that it has been well prepared. At our company, this task is performed by a different translator--a native speaker of the source language--who verifies the translation's fidelity to the original. This reading, carried out by all good professional translators, is at other companies often billed at a higher rate than the price of the initial translation. At TSL Langues, there will be no such bad surprise: this important stage is included in this initial price.
It is customary to bill according to the number of words in your text. You can yourself verify this information using the "word count" feature in Microsoft Word.
In some cases, TSL Langues can undertake translations from French into English or Italian, provided that it is possible to guarantee that the quality of the translation will be irreproachable. For all requests, please contact us by email.
Linguistic services in French
Editorial service:
TSL Langues can edit documents that have been written or translated into French by someone else. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, level of language, typographic rules, formatting of bibliographical references, accessibility to the intended audience: we correct and improve your texts with care and deep attention. Two versions will be sent to you: the first showing in color all the changes we have made, in order that you will be able to verify that you agree with them, and a second version, which shows a clean, error-free text.
French sign language interpretation and Transcription service for the hearing impaired:
TSL Langues can write for you any type of document. This service is only available to hearing impaired clients who have mastered French sign language and can use Skype for a video call.For an appointment on Skype during which you can explain to us your needs in sign language, please contact us by email.
TSL Langues can also provide you with french sign language/french interpretors.
French Sign Language/French interpretation
Heavy copyediting
Light copyediting
< 3 interlocutors
> 3 interlocutors
Conference: in front of an audience
2,000 words per day
On average, according to the
complexity of the text
8,000 characters per hour
On average, according to the
complexity of the text
12,000 characters per hour
On average, according to the
complexity of the text
Conversation: 75€/hour
Meeting: 90€/hour
Conference: 112€/hour
0,10€ / word
25€ / hour
(Degressive rate. See below)
25€ / hour
(Degressive rate. See below)
Supplemental charge of 20 percent if you require a turnaround of less than 72 hours.
Student 10% discount on dissertations and theses.
For two new TSL Langues customers mentioning your name, get a 20% discount on your next document.
Hourly rate for documents under 40,000 words / 250,000 characters. Beyond that number: 2,5€ / 250 words / 1500 characters.
​Supplemental charge of 10 percent if your text requires an extensive formatting and layout.
Supplemental charge of 20 percent if you require a turnaround of less than 72 hours.
Student 10% discount on dissertations and theses.
For two new TSL Langues customers mentioning your name, get a 20% discount on your next document.
French/French sign language interpretation
Hourly rate for one interpretor. The number of interpretors required is left to the discretion of TSL Langues.
Supplemental charge of 10 percent from 7pm to 9pm.
Supplemental charge of 25 percent during the night, from 9pm to 8am.
Supplemental charge of 40 percent on Sundays and french bank holidays.
Flat rate for public transport (Paris and the surrounding area): 18€
Flat rate for lunch: 15€
TSL Langues respects the Code of Ethics of Sign language interpretors: delivering the message without changing it, remaining neutral and being bound by professional secrecy.
"J'apprécie particulièrement le respect dont TSL Langues fait preuve envers les auteurs. La correctrice possède cette qualité qui consiste à se fondre dans le style du texte qu'elle corrige pour lui donner de la hauteur à force de propositions et d'échanges avec l'auteur. Elle n'hésite pas à effectuer un travail de recherche d'informations pour s'adapter au thème des documents soumis et les corriger au mieux, preuve de son honnêteté intellectuelle." G. F. (Université Grenoble Alpes)
"Lorsque j'étais étudiante infirmière, j’avais toujours un compte-rendu, un mémoire, une analyse de pratique ou un résumé à rendre aux professeurs. Ayant quelques difficultés en français, j’ai toujours fait appel à TSL Langues. La correctrice est la meilleure et, grâce à ses conseils, je me suis améliorée et mes notes étaient bonnes. A la fin de mes études, c'est mon mémoire qui a reçu la meilleure note et c'est à elle que je le dois." L. E. Y. (Institut de formation en soins infirmiers, Clamart)
"TSL Langues mi ha tradotto, o corretto, molti articoli in francese. La traduttrice è molto brava, scrupolosa e attenta anche ai dettagli. La sua formazione di linguista le consente di valutare pienamente anche le sfumature grammaticali e di contenuto." P. A. (Historia et ius)
"Traduction sûre de l'italien vers le français. TSL Langues est entièrement fiable concernant les corrections de textes en français, qu'ils soient des premières esquisses ou des épreuves d'éditeur. Un grand respect du calendrier convenu ce qui n'empêche pas, le cas échéant, de travailler dans l'urgence. Dans tous les cas de figure, la rigueur est la même ainsi que l'excellence du résultat." D. V. (Université de Lorraine)
"Bénédicte Dazy has worked with us on several projects, and has been a great asset to the team. She has consistently produced work of the highest standards, and we have valued her professional approach in meeting our tight deadlines." A. O. (Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford)